Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pinch me

Could this really be summer? It's taken sooo long to warm up. Even this morning we were wearing winter jackets, this afternoon our bathing suits. Ok, it's taken about a year but I'm back to being a full fledged Winnipeger complaining about the weather!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Ms. Potato Head

Gwenyth told me she was going to make a funny face with her potato. I thought she meant she was going to draw a face in it but came back to the table to this...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

So Close

Just a few short weeks and our house will be ready. Fingers crossed for the end of June. We went out today and were surprised to see the drywall up.

Flash Workshop

Just got back today from a Flash Workshop in Arizona. I have already posted to my photography blog and am far too lazy to repost here! Check it out HERE

Thursday, May 8, 2008

(Way too) Close Up

Went out to the house the other day to check the progress and grabbed my camera on the way out. I brought the wrong lens and was too lazy to walk down the street to get the whole house in. I promise next time I'll be prepared! Hope this tides you over.